68 lines
2.4 KiB
68 lines
2.4 KiB
"Extra configurations and mappings ******************************************
"This mapping is fold-level and fold-state dependent
"map <S-Down> dd p
"map <S-Up> dd <up>P
"Common Plugins
" The vo_modules_load variable holds name of all VO modules you want to load.
" If you do not want to load any VO modules leave it blank
" This setting loads the checkboxes, tags and smart_paste plugins as default.
let g:vo_modules_load = "checkbox:tags:smart_paste"
" Uncomment the following line to enable the math plugin.
"let g:vo_modules_load .= ':math'
" Uncomment the following line to enable new hoisting.
" let g:vo_modules_load .= ':newhoist'
" Uncomment the following line to enable the format plugin.
"let g:vo_modules_load .= ':format'
" Uncomment the following line to enable clocking.
"let g:vo_modules_load .= ':clock'
"User Preferences ***************************************************
"let maplocalleader = ',,' " uncomment for compatibility with
" previous versions of VO
"setlocal ignorecase " searches ignore case
"setlocal smartcase " searches use smart case
"setlocal wrapmargin=5
"setlocal tw=78
"setlocal tabstop=4 " tabstop and shiftwidth must match
"setlocal shiftwidth=4 " values from 2 to 8 work well
"setlocal background=dark " for dark backgrounds
"setlocal nowrap
" colorscheme votl_light " set a VO specific colorscheme
"Checkbox Tags
" Tags can contain any word characters (:help word)
" tags must not contain whitespace
" tags must be unique
" there can be no intersections between lists
" 'high', 'High', and 'HIGH' are considered to be unique and nonintersecting
" each sub-list represents a unique circular 'ring' of tags
" currently, these options do not affect checkboxes
" status indicators like DONE, NOT DONE and CANCELED are
" refelected in the checkbox state: [X], [_] and [-], respectively
" each tag is a [] block, just like a checkbox; chosen for possible future integration
" each tag must be delimited by whitespace
" [TODO] [Feature] <-- this
" [TODO][Feature] <-- not this
let g:cbTags = [
"Hoisting ***********************************************************
"Uncomment and set to 1 to debug hoisting
"let g:hoistParanoia=0
" vim: filetype=vim