scriptencoding utf-8 let s:is_vim = !has('nvim') let s:float = has('nvim-0.4.0') || has('patch-8.1.1719') let s:pum_bufnr = 0 let s:pum_winid = 0 let s:pum_index = -1 let s:inserted = 0 let s:virtual_text = 0 let s:virtual_text_ns = 0 let s:ignore = s:is_vim || has('nvim-0.5.0') ? "\" : "\\" let s:hide_pum = has('nvim-0.6.1') || has('patch-8.2.3389') function! coc#pum#visible() abort if !s:float || !s:pum_winid return 0 endif return getwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'float', 0) == 1 endfunction function! coc#pum#winid() abort return s:pum_winid endfunction function! coc#pum#close_detail() abort let winid = coc#float#get_float_by_kind('pumdetail') if winid call coc#float#close(winid) if s:is_vim call timer_start(0, { -> execute('redraw')}) endif endif endfunction function! coc#pum#close(...) abort if coc#float#valid(s:pum_winid) if get(a:, 1, '') ==# 'cancel' let input = getwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'input', '') let s:pum_index = -1 call s:insert_word(input) call s:on_pum_change(0) doautocmd TextChangedI elseif get(a:, 1, '') ==# 'confirm' let words = getwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'words', []) if s:pum_index >= 0 let word = get(words, s:pum_index, '') call s:insert_word(word) endif doautocmd TextChangedI endif call s:close_pum() if !get(a:, 2, 0) let pretext = strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.') - 1) call coc#rpc#notify('CompleteStop', [get(a:, 1, ''), pretext]) endif endif endfunction function! coc#pum#select_confirm() abort if s:pum_index < 0 let s:pum_index = 0 call s:on_pum_change(0) endif call coc#pum#close('confirm') endfunction function! coc#pum#insert() abort call timer_start(10, { -> s:insert_current()}) return s:ignore endfunction function! coc#pum#_close() abort if coc#float#valid(s:pum_winid) call s:close_pum() if s:is_vim call timer_start(0, { -> execute('redraw')}) endif endif endfunction function! s:insert_current() abort if coc#float#valid(s:pum_winid) if s:pum_index >= 0 let words = getwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'words', []) let word = get(words, s:pum_index, '') call s:insert_word(word) endif doautocmd TextChangedI call s:close_pum() let pretext = strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.') - 1) call coc#rpc#notify('CompleteStop', ['', pretext]) endif endfunction function! s:close_pum() abort call s:clear_virtual_text() call coc#float#close(s:pum_winid) let s:pum_winid = 0 let winid = coc#float#get_float_by_kind('pumdetail') if winid call coc#float#close(winid) endif endfunction function! coc#pum#next(insert) abort call timer_start(10, { -> s:navigate(1, a:insert)}) return s:ignore endfunction function! coc#pum#prev(insert) abort call timer_start(10, { -> s:navigate(0, a:insert)}) return s:ignore endfunction function! coc#pum#stop() abort call timer_start(10, { -> coc#pum#close()}) return s:ignore endfunction function! coc#pum#cancel() abort call timer_start(10, { -> coc#pum#close('cancel')}) return s:ignore endfunction function! coc#pum#confirm() abort call timer_start(10, { -> coc#pum#close('confirm')}) return s:ignore endfunction function! coc#pum#select(index, insert, confirm) abort if !coc#float#valid(s:pum_winid) return '' endif if a:index == -1 call coc#pum#close('cancel') return '' endif let total = coc#compat#buf_line_count(s:pum_bufnr) if a:index < 0 || a:index >= total throw 'index out of range ' . a:index endif call s:select_by_index(a:index, a:insert) if a:confirm call coc#pum#close('confirm') endif return '' endfunction function! coc#pum#info() abort let bufnr = winbufnr(s:pum_winid) let size = coc#compat#buf_line_count(bufnr) let words = getwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'words', []) let word = s:pum_index < 0 ? '' : get(words, s:pum_index, '') if s:is_vim let pos = popup_getpos(s:pum_winid) let add = pos['scrollbar'] && has_key(popup_getoptions(s:pum_winid), 'border') ? 1 : 0 return { \ 'word': word, \ 'index': s:pum_index, \ 'scrollbar': pos['scrollbar'], \ 'row': pos['line'] - 1, \ 'col': pos['col'] - 1, \ 'width': pos['width'] + add, \ 'height': pos['height'], \ 'size': size, \ 'inserted': s:inserted ? v:true : v:false, \ } else let scrollbar = coc#float#get_related(s:pum_winid, 'scrollbar') let winid = coc#float#get_related(s:pum_winid, 'border', s:pum_winid) let pos = nvim_win_get_position(winid) return { \ 'word': word, \ 'index': s:pum_index, \ 'scrollbar': scrollbar && nvim_win_is_valid(scrollbar) ? 1 : 0, \ 'row': pos[0], \ 'col': pos[1], \ 'width': nvim_win_get_width(winid), \ 'height': nvim_win_get_height(winid), \ 'size': size, \ 'inserted': s:inserted ? v:true : v:false, \ } endif endfunction function! coc#pum#scroll(forward) abort if coc#pum#visible() let size = coc#compat#buf_line_count(s:pum_bufnr) let height = s:get_height(s:pum_winid) if size > height call timer_start(10, { -> s:scroll_pum(a:forward, height, size)}) endif endif return s:ignore endfunction function! s:get_height(winid) abort if has('nvim') return nvim_win_get_height(a:winid) endif return get(popup_getpos(a:winid), 'core_height', 0) endfunction function! s:scroll_pum(forward, height, size) abort let topline = s:get_topline(s:pum_winid) if !a:forward && topline == 1 if s:pum_index >= 0 call s:select_line(s:pum_winid, 1) call s:on_pum_change(1) endif return endif if a:forward && topline + a:height - 1 >= a:size if s:pum_index >= 0 call s:select_line(s:pum_winid, a:size) call s:on_pum_change(1) endif return endif call coc#float#scroll_win(s:pum_winid, a:forward, a:height) if s:pum_index >= 0 let lnum = s:pum_index + 1 let topline = s:get_topline(s:pum_winid) if lnum >= topline && lnum <= topline + a:height - 1 return endif call s:select_line(s:pum_winid, topline) call s:on_pum_change(1) endif endfunction function! s:get_topline(winid) abort if has('nvim') let info = getwininfo(a:winid)[0] return info['topline'] else let pos = popup_getpos(a:winid) return pos['firstline'] endif endfunction function! s:navigate(next, insert) abort if !coc#float#valid(s:pum_winid) return endif let index = s:get_index(a:next) call s:select_by_index(index, a:insert) endfunction function! s:select_by_index(index, insert) abort call s:set_cursor(s:pum_winid, a:index + 1) if !s:is_vim call coc#float#nvim_scrollbar(s:pum_winid) endif if a:insert let s:inserted = 1 if a:index < 0 let input = getwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'input', '') call s:insert_word(input) call coc#pum#close_detail() else let words = getwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'words', []) let word = get(words, a:index, '') call s:insert_word(word) endif doautocmd TextChangedP endif call s:on_pum_change(1) endfunction function! s:get_index(next) abort let size = coc#compat#buf_line_count(s:pum_bufnr) if a:next let index = s:pum_index + 1 == size ? -1 : s:pum_index + 1 else let index = s:pum_index == -1 ? size - 1 : s:pum_index - 1 endif return index endfunction function! s:insert_word(word) abort let parts = getwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'parts', []) if !empty(parts) && mode() ==# 'i' let curr = getline('.') if curr ==# parts[0][1] return endif let saved_completeopt = &completeopt if saved_completeopt =~ 'menuone' noa set completeopt=menu endif noa call complete(strlen(parts[0]) + 1, [a:word]) if s:hide_pum " exit complete state call feedkeys("\\", 'in') else let g:coc_disable_space_report = 1 call feedkeys("\\", 'in') endif execute 'noa set completeopt='.saved_completeopt endif endfunction " create or update pum with lines, CompleteOption and config. " return winid & dimension function! coc#pum#create(lines, opt, config) abort if mode() !=# 'i' || a:opt['line'] != line('.') return endif let len = col('.') - a:opt['col'] - 1 if len < 0 return endif let input = len == 0 ? '' : strpart(getline('.'), a:opt['col'], len) if input !=# a:opt['input'] return endif let config = s:get_pum_dimension(a:lines, a:opt['col'], a:config) if empty(config) return endif let s:virtual_text = has('nvim-0.5.0') && a:opt['virtualText'] if s:virtual_text && !s:virtual_text_ns let s:virtual_text_ns = coc#highlight#create_namespace('pum-virtual') endif let selected = a:opt['index'] + 1 call extend(config, { \ 'lines': a:lines, \ 'relative': 'cursor', \ 'nopad': 1, \ 'cursorline': 1, \ 'index': a:opt['index'], \ 'focusable': v:false \ }) call extend(config, coc#dict#pick(a:config, ['highlight', 'rounded', 'highlights', 'winblend', 'shadow', 'border', 'borderhighlight'])) let result = coc#float#create_float_win(s:pum_winid, s:pum_bufnr, config) if empty(result) return endif let s:inserted = 0 let s:pum_winid = result[0] let s:pum_bufnr = result[1] call setwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'above', config['row'] < 0) let lnum = max([1, a:opt['index'] + 1]) if s:is_vim call popup_setoptions(s:pum_winid, { \ 'firstline': s:get_firstline(lnum, len(a:lines), config['height']) \ }) else let firstline = s:get_firstline(lnum, len(a:lines), config['height']) call coc#compat#execute(s:pum_winid, 'call winrestview({"lnum":'.lnum.',"topline":'.firstline.'})') endif let s:pum_index = get(config, 'index', -1) call coc#dialog#place_sign(s:pum_bufnr, s:pum_index + 1) call setwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'kind', 'pum') " content before col and content after cursor let linetext = getline('.') let parts = [strpart(linetext, 0, a:opt['col']), strpart(linetext, col('.') - 1)] call setwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'input', input) call setwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'parts', parts) call setwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'words', a:opt['words']) if !s:is_vim if len(a:lines) > config['height'] redraw call coc#float#nvim_scrollbar(s:pum_winid) else call coc#float#close_related(s:pum_winid, 'scrollbar') endif endif call timer_start(10, { -> s:on_pum_change(0)}) endfunction function! s:get_firstline(lnum, total, height) abort if a:lnum <= a:height return 1 endif return min([a:total - a:height + 1, a:lnum - (a:height*2/3)]) endfunction function! s:on_pum_change(move) abort if coc#float#valid(s:pum_winid) if s:virtual_text_ns call s:insert_virtual_text() endif let ev = extend(coc#pum#info(), {'move': a:move ? v:true : v:false}) call coc#rpc#notify('CocAutocmd', ['MenuPopupChanged', ev, win_screenpos(winnr())[0] + winline() - 2]) endif endfunction function! s:get_pum_dimension(lines, col, config) abort let linecount = len(a:lines) let [lineIdx, colIdx] = coc#cursor#screen_pos() let bh = empty(get(a:config, 'border', [])) ? 0 : 2 let width = min([&columns, max([exists('&pumwidth') ? &pumwidth : 15, a:config['width']])]) let vh = &lines - &cmdheight - 1 - !empty(&tabline) if vh <= 0 return v:null endif let pumheight = empty(&pumheight) ? vh : &pumheight let showTop = getwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'above', v:null) if type(showTop) != v:t_number if vh - lineIdx - bh - 1 < min([pumheight, linecount]) && lineIdx > vh - lineIdx let showTop = 1 else let showTop = 0 endif endif let height = showTop ? min([lineIdx - bh - !empty(&tabline), linecount, pumheight]) : min([vh - lineIdx - bh - 1, linecount, pumheight]) if height <= 0 return v:null endif let col = - (col('.') - a:col - 1) - 1 let row = showTop ? - height : 1 let delta = colIdx + col if delta < 0 let col = col - delta elseif delta + width > &columns let col = max([-colIdx, col - (delta + width - &columns)]) endif return { \ 'row': row, \ 'col': col, \ 'width': width, \ 'height': height \ } endfunction " can't use coc#dialog#set_cursor on vim8, don't know why function! s:set_cursor(winid, line) abort if s:is_vim let pos = popup_getpos(a:winid) let lastline = pos['firstline'] + pos['core_height'] - 1 if a:line > lastline call popup_setoptions(a:winid, { \ 'firstline': pos['firstline'] + a:line - lastline, \ }) elseif a:line < pos['firstline'] call popup_setoptions(a:winid, { \ 'firstline': max([1, a:line]), \ }) endif endif call s:select_line(a:winid, a:line) endfunction function! s:select_line(winid, line) abort let s:pum_index = a:line - 1 let lnum = max([1, a:line]) if s:is_vim call coc#compat#execute(a:winid, 'exe '.lnum) else call nvim_win_set_cursor(a:winid, [lnum, 0]) endif call coc#dialog#place_sign(winbufnr(a:winid), a:line) endfunction function! s:insert_virtual_text() abort if !s:virtual_text_ns return endif let bufnr = bufnr('%') if !s:virtual_text || !coc#pum#visible() || s:pum_index < 0 call nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, s:virtual_text_ns, 0, -1) else " Check if could create let insert = '' let words = getwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'words', []) let word = get(words, s:pum_index, '') let parts = getwinvar(s:pum_winid, 'parts', []) let input = strpart(getline('.'), strlen(parts[0]), col('.') - 1) if strchars(word) > strchars(input) && strcharpart(word, 0, strchars(input)) ==# input let insert = strcharpart(word, strchars(input)) endif call nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, s:virtual_text_ns, 0, -1) if !empty(insert) let opts = { \ 'hl_mode': 'combine', \ 'virt_text': [[insert, 'CocPumVirtualText']], \ 'virt_text_pos': 'overlay', \ 'virt_text_win_col': virtcol('.') - 1, \ } call nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, s:virtual_text_ns, line('.') - 1, col('.') - 1, opts) endif endif endfunction function! s:clear_virtual_text() abort if s:virtual_text_ns call nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr('%'), s:virtual_text_ns, 0, -1) endif endfunction