scriptencoding utf-8 let s:root = expand(':h:h:h') function! s:checkVim(test, name, patchlevel) abort if a:test if !has(a:patchlevel) call health#report_error(a:name . ' version not satisfied, ' . a:patchlevel . ' and above required') return 0 else call health#report_ok(a:name . ' version satisfied') return 1 endif endif return 0 endfunction function! s:checkEnvironment() abort let valid \ = s:checkVim(has('nvim'), 'nvim', 'nvim-0.4.0') \ + s:checkVim(!has('nvim'), 'vim', 'patch-8.1.1719') let node = get(g:, 'coc_node_path', $COC_NODE_PATH == '' ? 'node' : $COC_NODE_PATH) if !executable(node) let valid = 0 call health#report_error('Executable node.js not found, install node.js from') endif let output = system(node . ' --version') if v:shell_error && output !=# "" let valid = 0 call health#report_error(output) endif let ms = matchlist(output, 'v\(\d\+\).\(\d\+\).\(\d\+\)') if empty(ms) let valid = 0 call health#report_error('Unable to detect version of node, make sure your node executable is') elseif str2nr(ms[1]) < 12 || (str2nr(ms[1]) == 12 && str2nr(ms[2]) < 12) let valid = 0 call health#report_warn('Node.js version '.trim(output).' < 12.12.0, please upgrade node.js') endif if valid call health#report_ok('Environment check passed') endif if has('pythonx') try silent pyx print("") catch /.*/ call health#report_warn('pyx command not work, some extensions may fail to work, checkout ":h pythonx"') if has('nvim') call health#report_warn('Install pynvim by command: pip install pynvim --upgrade') endif endtry endif return valid endfunction function! s:checkCommand() let file = s:root.'/build/index.js' if filereadable(file) call health#report_ok('Javascript bundle build/index.js found') else call health#report_error('Javascript entry not found, please compile coc.nvim by esbuild.') endif endfunction function! s:checkAutocmd() let cmds = ['CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'CursorMovedI', 'InsertCharPre', 'TextChangedI'] for cmd in cmds let lines = split(execute('verbose autocmd '.cmd), '\n') let n = 0 for line in lines if line =~# 'CocAction(' && n < len(lines) - 1 let next = lines[n + 1] let ms = matchlist(next, 'Last set from \(.*\)') if !empty(ms) call health#report_warn('Use CocActionAsync to replace CocAction for better performance on '.cmd) call health#report_warn('Checkout the file '.ms[1]) endif endif let n = n + 1 endfor endfor endfunction function! s:checkInitialize() abort if coc#client#is_running('coc') call health#report_ok('Service started') return 1 endif call health#report_error('service could not be initialized', [ \ 'Use command ":messages" to get error messages.', \ 'Open a issue at for feedback.' \]) return 0 endfunction function! health#coc#check() abort call s:checkEnvironment() call s:checkCommand() call s:checkInitialize() call s:checkAutocmd() endfunction