" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim function! s:gocodeCommand(cmd, args) abort let l:gocode_bin = "gocode" let l:gomod = go#util#gomod() if filereadable(l:gomod) let l:gocode_bin = "gocode-gomod" endif let bin_path = go#path#CheckBinPath(l:gocode_bin) if empty(bin_path) return [] endif let socket_type = go#config#GocodeSocketType() let cmd = [bin_path] let cmd = extend(cmd, ['-sock', socket_type]) let cmd = extend(cmd, ['-f', 'vim']) if go#config#GocodeProposeBuiltins() let cmd = extend(cmd, ['-builtin']) endif if go#config#GocodeProposeSource() let cmd = extend(cmd, ['-source']) else let cmd = extend(cmd, ['-fallback-to-source', '-cache']) endif if go#config#GocodeUnimportedPackages() let cmd = extend(cmd, ['-unimported-packages']) endif let cmd = extend(cmd, [a:cmd]) let cmd = extend(cmd, a:args) return cmd endfunction function! s:sync_gocode(cmd, args, input) abort " We might hit cache problems, as gocode doesn't handle different GOPATHs " well. See: https://github.com/nsf/gocode/issues/239 let old_goroot = $GOROOT let $GOROOT = go#util#env("goroot") try let cmd = s:gocodeCommand(a:cmd, a:args) " gocode can sometimes be slow, so redraw now to avoid waiting for gocode " to return before redrawing automatically. redraw let [l:result, l:err] = go#util#Exec(cmd, a:input) finally let $GOROOT = old_goroot endtry if l:err != 0 return "[0, []]" endif if &encoding != 'utf-8' let l:result = iconv(l:result, 'utf-8', &encoding) endif return l:result endfunction function! s:gocodeAutocomplete() abort " use the offset as is, because the cursor position is the position for " which autocomplete candidates are needed. return s:sync_gocode('autocomplete', \ [expand('%:p'), go#util#OffsetCursor()], \ go#util#GetLines()) endfunction " go#complete#GoInfo returns the description of the identifier under the " cursor. function! go#complete#GetInfo() abort return s:sync_info(0) endfunction function! go#complete#Info(showstatus) abort if go#util#has_job(1) return s:async_info(1, a:showstatus) else return s:sync_info(1) endif endfunction function! s:async_info(echo, showstatus) let state = {'echo': a:echo} " explicitly bind complete to state so that within it, self will " always refer to state. See :help Partial for more information. let state.complete = function('s:complete', [], state) " add 1 to the offset, so that the position at the cursor will be included " in gocode's search let offset = go#util#OffsetCursor()+1 " We might hit cache problems, as gocode doesn't handle different GOPATHs " well. See: https://github.com/nsf/gocode/issues/239 let env = { \ "GOROOT": go#util#env("goroot") \ } let opts = { \ 'bang': 1, \ 'complete': state.complete, \ 'for': '_', \ } if a:showstatus let opts.statustype = 'gocode' endif let opts = go#job#Options(l:opts) let cmd = s:gocodeCommand('autocomplete', \ [expand('%:p'), offset]) " TODO(bc): Don't write the buffer to a file; pass the buffer directly to " gocode's stdin. It shouldn't be necessary to use {in_io: 'file', in_name: " s:gocodeFile()}, but unfortunately {in_io: 'buffer', in_buf: bufnr('%')} " doesn't work. call extend(opts, { \ 'env': env, \ 'in_io': 'file', \ 'in_name': s:gocodeFile(), \ }) call go#job#Start(cmd, opts) endfunction function! s:complete(job, exit_status, messages) abort dict if a:exit_status != 0 return endif if &encoding != 'utf-8' let i = 0 while i < len(a:messages) let a:messages[i] = iconv(a:messages[i], 'utf-8', &encoding) let i += 1 endwhile endif let result = s:info_filter(self.echo, join(a:messages, "\n")) call s:info_complete(self.echo, result) endfunction function! s:gocodeFile() let file = tempname() call writefile(go#util#GetLines(), file) return file endfunction function! s:sync_info(echo) " add 1 to the offset, so that the position at the cursor will be included " in gocode's search let offset = go#util#OffsetCursor()+1 let result = s:sync_gocode('autocomplete', \ [expand('%:p'), offset], \ go#util#GetLines()) let result = s:info_filter(a:echo, result) return s:info_complete(a:echo, result) endfunction function! s:info_filter(echo, result) abort if empty(a:result) return "" endif let l:result = eval(a:result) if len(l:result) != 2 return "" endif let l:candidates = l:result[1] if len(l:candidates) == 1 " When gocode panics in vim mode, it returns " [0, [{'word': 'PANIC', 'abbr': 'PANIC PANIC PANIC', 'info': 'PANIC PANIC PANIC'}]] if a:echo && l:candidates[0].info ==# "PANIC PANIC PANIC" return "" endif return l:candidates[0].info endif let filtered = [] let wordMatch = '\<' . expand("<cword>") . '\>' " escape single quotes in wordMatch before passing it to filter let wordMatch = substitute(wordMatch, "'", "''", "g") let filtered = filter(l:candidates, "v:val.info =~ '".wordMatch."'") if len(l:filtered) == 0 return "no matches" elseif len(l:filtered) > 1 return "ambiguous match" endif return l:filtered[0].info endfunction function! s:info_complete(echo, result) abort if a:echo call go#util#ShowInfo(a:result) endif return a:result endfunction function! s:trim_bracket(val) abort let a:val.word = substitute(a:val.word, '[(){}\[\]]\+$', '', '') return a:val endfunction let s:completions = [] function! go#complete#GocodeComplete(findstart, base) abort "findstart = 1 when we need to get the text length if a:findstart == 1 let l:completions = [] execute "silent let l:completions = " . s:gocodeAutocomplete() if len(l:completions) == 0 || len(l:completions) >= 2 && len(l:completions[1]) == 0 " no matches. cancel and leave completion mode. call go#util#EchoInfo("no matches") return -3 endif let s:completions = l:completions[1] return col('.') - l:completions[0] - 1 "findstart = 0 when we need to return the list of completions else let s = getline(".")[col('.') - 1] if s =~ '[(){}\{\}]' return map(copy(s:completions[1]), 's:trim_bracket(v:val)') endif return s:completions[1] endif endfunction function! go#complete#Complete(findstart, base) abort let l:state = {'done': 0, 'matches': []} function! s:handler(state, matches) abort dict let a:state.matches = a:matches let a:state.done = 1 endfunction "findstart = 1 when we need to get the start of the match if a:findstart == 1 call go#lsp#Completion(expand('%:p'), line('.'), col('.'), funcref('s:handler', [l:state])) while !l:state.done sleep 10m endwhile let s:completions = l:state.matches if len(l:state.matches) == 0 " no matches. cancel and leave completion mode. call go#util#EchoInfo("no matches") return -3 endif return col('.') else "findstart = 0 when we need to return the list of completions return s:completions endif endfunction function! go#complete#ToggleAutoTypeInfo() abort if go#config#AutoTypeInfo() call go#config#SetAutoTypeInfo(0) call go#util#EchoProgress("auto type info disabled") return end call go#config#SetAutoTypeInfo(1) call go#util#EchoProgress("auto type info enabled") endfunction " restore Vi compatibility settings let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et