scriptencoding utf-8 let s:is_vim = !has('nvim') let s:map_next = 1 let s:map_prev = 1 let s:cmd_mapping = has('nvim') || has('patch-8.2.1978') function! coc#snippet#_select_mappings() if !get(g:, 'coc_selectmode_mapping', 1) return endif redir => mappings silent! smap redir END for map in map(filter(split(mappings, '\n'), \ "v:val !~# '^s' && v:val !~# '^\\a*\\s*<\\S\\+>'"), \ "matchstr(v:val, '^\\a*\\s*\\zs\\S\\+')") silent! execute 'sunmap' map silent! execute 'sunmap <buffer>' map endfor " same behaviour of ultisnips snoremap <silent> <BS> <c-g>c snoremap <silent> <DEL> <c-g>c snoremap <silent> <c-h> <c-g>c snoremap <c-r> <c-g>"_c<c-r> endfunction function! coc#snippet#show_choices(lnum, col, position, input) abort call coc#snippet#move(a:position) call CocActionAsync('startCompletion', { 'source': '$words' }) redraw endfunction function! coc#snippet#enable(...) if get(b:, 'coc_snippet_active', 0) == 1 return endif let complete = get(a:, 1, 0) let b:coc_snippet_active = 1 call coc#snippet#_select_mappings() let nextkey = get(g:, 'coc_snippet_next', '<C-j>') let prevkey = get(g:, 'coc_snippet_prev', '<C-k>') if maparg(nextkey, 'i') =~# 'snippet' let s:map_next = 0 endif if maparg(prevkey, 'i') =~# 'snippet' let s:map_prev = 0 endif if !empty(nextkey) if s:map_next execute 'inoremap <buffer><nowait><silent>'.nextkey." <C-R>=coc#snippet#jump(1, ".complete.")<cr>" endif execute 'snoremap <buffer><nowait><silent>'.nextkey." <Esc>:call coc#snippet#jump(1, ".complete.")<cr>" endif if !empty(prevkey) if s:map_prev execute 'inoremap <buffer><nowait><silent>'.prevkey." <C-R>=coc#snippet#jump(0, ".complete.")<cr>" endif execute 'snoremap <buffer><nowait><silent>'.prevkey." <Esc>:call coc#snippet#jump(0, ".complete.")<cr>" endif endfunction function! coc#snippet#prev() abort call coc#rpc#request('snippetPrev', []) return '' endfunction function! coc#snippet#next() abort call coc#rpc#request('snippetNext', []) return '' endfunction function! coc#snippet#jump(direction, complete) abort if a:direction == 1 && a:complete if pumvisible() let pre = exists('*complete_info') && complete_info()['selected'] == -1 ? "\<C-n>" : '' call feedkeys(pre."\<C-y>", 'in') return '' endif if coc#pum#visible() " Discard the return value, otherwise weird characters will be inserted call coc#pum#confirm() return '' endif endif call coc#rpc#request(a:direction == 1 ? 'snippetNext' : 'snippetPrev', []) return '' endfunction function! coc#snippet#disable() if get(b:, 'coc_snippet_active', 0) == 0 return endif let b:coc_snippet_active = 0 let nextkey = get(g:, 'coc_snippet_next', '<C-j>') let prevkey = get(g:, 'coc_snippet_prev', '<C-k>') if s:map_next silent! execute 'iunmap <buffer> <silent> '.nextkey endif if s:map_prev silent! execute 'iunmap <buffer> <silent> '.prevkey endif silent! execute 'sunmap <buffer> <silent> '.prevkey silent! execute 'sunmap <buffer> <silent> '.nextkey endfunction function! coc#snippet#select(start, end, text) abort if coc#pum#visible() call coc#pum#close() endif if mode() == 's' call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'in') endif if &selection ==# 'exclusive' let cursor = coc#snippet#to_cursor(a:start) call cursor([cursor[0], cursor[1]]) let cmd = '' let cmd .= mode()[0] ==# 'i' ? "\<Esc>".(col('.') == 1 ? '' : 'l') : '' let cmd .= printf('v%s', strchars(a:text) . 'l') let cmd .= "\<C-g>" else let cursor = coc#snippet#to_cursor(a:end) call cursor([cursor[0], cursor[1] - 1]) let len = strchars(a:text) - 1 let cmd = '' let cmd .= mode()[0] ==# 'i' ? "\<Esc>l" : '' let cmd .= printf('v%s', len > 0 ? len . 'h' : '') let cmd .= "o\<C-g>" endif call feedkeys(cmd, 'n') endfunction function! coc#snippet#move(position) abort let m = mode() if m == 's' call feedkeys("\<Esc>", 'in') endif let pos = coc#snippet#to_cursor(a:position) call cursor(pos) if pos[1] > strlen(getline(pos[0])) startinsert! else startinsert endif endfunction function! coc#snippet#to_cursor(position) abort let line = getline(a:position.line + 1) if line is v:null return [a:position.line + 1, a:position.character + 1] endif return [a:position.line + 1, coc#string#byte_index(line, a:position.character) + 1] endfunction