var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __markAsModule = (target) => __defProp(target, "__esModule", {value: true}); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, {get: all[name], enumerable: true}); }; var __exportStar = (target, module2, desc) => { if (module2 && typeof module2 === "object" || typeof module2 === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(module2)) if (!, key) && key !== "default") __defProp(target, key, {get: () => module2[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(module2, key)) || desc.enumerable}); } return target; }; var __toModule = (module2) => { if (module2 && module2.__esModule) return module2; return __exportStar(__markAsModule(__defProp(module2 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(module2)) : {}, "default", {value: module2, enumerable: true})), module2); }; // src/index.ts __markAsModule(exports); __export(exports, { activate: () => activate }); var import_path = __toModule(require("path")); var import_coc2 = __toModule(require("coc.nvim")); // src/schema-extension-api.ts var import_coc = __toModule(require("coc.nvim")); var MODIFICATION_ACTIONS; (function(MODIFICATION_ACTIONS2) { MODIFICATION_ACTIONS2[MODIFICATION_ACTIONS2["delete"] = 0] = "delete"; MODIFICATION_ACTIONS2[MODIFICATION_ACTIONS2["add"] = 1] = "add"; })(MODIFICATION_ACTIONS || (MODIFICATION_ACTIONS = {})); var SchemaModificationNotification; (function(SchemaModificationNotification2) { SchemaModificationNotification2.type = new import_coc.RequestType("json/schema/modify"); })(SchemaModificationNotification || (SchemaModificationNotification = {})); var SchemaExtensionAPI = class { constructor(client2) { this._customSchemaContributors = {}; this._yamlClient = client2; } registerContributor(schema, requestSchema, requestSchemaContent, label) { if (this._customSchemaContributors[schema]) { return false; } if (!requestSchema) { throw new Error("Illegal parameter for requestSchema."); } if (label) { const [first, second] = label.split(":"); if (first && second) { label = second.trim(); label = label.replace(".", "\\."); label = `${first}:[ ]+${label}`; } } this._customSchemaContributors[schema] = { requestSchema, requestSchemaContent, label }; return true; } requestCustomSchema(resource) { const matches = []; for (const customKey of Object.keys(this._customSchemaContributors)) { try { const contributor = this._customSchemaContributors[customKey]; let uri; if (contributor.label && import_coc.workspace.textDocuments) { const labelRegexp = new RegExp(contributor.label, "g"); for (const doc of import_coc.workspace.textDocuments) { if (doc.uri.toString() === resource) { if (labelRegexp.test(doc.getText())) { uri = contributor.requestSchema(resource); return [uri]; } } } } uri = contributor.requestSchema(resource); if (uri) { matches.push(uri); } } catch (error) { this._yamlClient.outputChannel.appendLine(`Error thrown while requesting schema "${error}" when calling the registered contributor "${customKey}"`); } } return matches; } requestCustomSchemaContent(uri) { if (uri) { const _uri = import_coc.Uri.parse(uri); if (_uri.scheme && this._customSchemaContributors[_uri.scheme] && this._customSchemaContributors[_uri.scheme].requestSchemaContent) { return this._customSchemaContributors[_uri.scheme].requestSchemaContent(uri); } } } async modifySchemaContent(schemaModifications) { return this._yamlClient.sendRequest(SchemaModificationNotification.type, schemaModifications); } }; var CUSTOM_SCHEMA_REQUEST = "custom/schema/request"; var CUSTOM_CONTENT_REQUEST = "custom/schema/content"; // src/paths.ts var Dot = ".".charCodeAt(0); function normalizePath(parts) { const newParts = []; for (const part of parts) { if (part.length === 0 || part.length === 1 && part.charCodeAt(0) === Dot) { } else if (part.length === 2 && part.charCodeAt(0) === Dot && part.charCodeAt(1) === Dot) { newParts.pop(); } else { newParts.push(part); } } if (parts.length > 1 && parts[parts.length - 1].length === 0) { newParts.push(""); } let res = newParts.join("/"); if (parts[0].length === 0) { res = "/" + res; } return res; } function joinPath(uri, ...paths) { const parts = uri.path.split("/"); for (const path2 of paths) { parts.push(...path2.split("/")); } return uri.with({path: normalizePath(parts)}); } // src/index.ts var SchemaAssociationNotification; (function(SchemaAssociationNotification2) { SchemaAssociationNotification2.type = new import_coc2.NotificationType("json/schemaAssociations"); })(SchemaAssociationNotification || (SchemaAssociationNotification = {})); var VSCodeContentRequestRegistration; (function(VSCodeContentRequestRegistration2) { VSCodeContentRequestRegistration2.type = new import_coc2.NotificationType("yaml/registerVSCodeContentRequest"); })(VSCodeContentRequestRegistration || (VSCodeContentRequestRegistration = {})); var VSCodeContentRequest; (function(VSCodeContentRequest2) { VSCodeContentRequest2.type = new import_coc2.RequestType("vscode/content"); })(VSCodeContentRequest || (VSCodeContentRequest = {})); var DynamicCustomSchemaRequestRegistration; (function(DynamicCustomSchemaRequestRegistration2) { DynamicCustomSchemaRequestRegistration2.type = new import_coc2.NotificationType("yaml/registerCustomSchemaRequest"); })(DynamicCustomSchemaRequestRegistration || (DynamicCustomSchemaRequestRegistration = {})); var client; function activate(context) { const serverModule = context.asAbsolutePath(import_path.default.join("node_modules", "yaml-language-server", "out", "server", "src", "server.js")); const debugOptions = {execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--inspect=6009"]}; const serverOptions = { run: {module: serverModule, transport: import_coc2.TransportKind.ipc}, debug: {module: serverModule, transport: import_coc2.TransportKind.ipc, options: debugOptions} }; const clientOptions = { documentSelector: [{language: "yaml"}], synchronize: { configurationSection: ["yaml", "http.proxy", "http.proxyStrictSSL", "editor.tabSize", "[yaml]"], fileEvents: [import_coc2.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher("**/*.?(e)y?(a)ml"), import_coc2.workspace.createFileSystemWatcher("**/*.json")] }, revealOutputChannelOn: import_coc2.RevealOutputChannelOn.Never }; client = new import_coc2.LanguageClient("yaml", "YAML Support", serverOptions, clientOptions); const disposable = client.start(); const schemaExtensionAPI = new SchemaExtensionAPI(client); context.subscriptions.push(disposable); client.onReady().then(() => { client.sendNotification(SchemaAssociationNotification.type, getSchemaAssociations()); import_coc2.extensions.onDidActiveExtension(() => { client.sendNotification(SchemaAssociationNotification.type, getSchemaAssociations()); }); import_coc2.extensions.onDidUnloadExtension(() => { client.sendNotification(SchemaAssociationNotification.type, getSchemaAssociations()); }); client.sendNotification(DynamicCustomSchemaRequestRegistration.type); client.sendNotification(VSCodeContentRequestRegistration.type); client.onRequest(CUSTOM_SCHEMA_REQUEST, (resource) => { return schemaExtensionAPI.requestCustomSchema(resource); }); client.onRequest(CUSTOM_CONTENT_REQUEST, (uri) => { return schemaExtensionAPI.requestCustomSchemaContent(uri); }); client.onRequest(VSCodeContentRequest.type, (uri) => { return import_coc2.fetch(uri, { headers: {"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate"} }).then((res) => { if (typeof res === "string") return res; if (Buffer.isBuffer(res)) return res.toString(); return JSON.stringify(res); }, (err) => { return Promise.reject(err); }); }); }); return schemaExtensionAPI; } function getSchemaAssociations() { const associations = []; import_coc2.extensions.all.forEach((extension) => { const packageJSON = extension.packageJSON; if (packageJSON && packageJSON.contributes && packageJSON.contributes.yamlValidation) { const yamlValidation = packageJSON.contributes.yamlValidation; if (Array.isArray(yamlValidation)) { yamlValidation.forEach((jv) => { let {fileMatch, url} = jv; if (typeof fileMatch === "string") { fileMatch = [fileMatch]; } if (Array.isArray(fileMatch) && typeof url === "string") { let uri = url; if (uri[0] === "." && uri[1] === "/") { uri = joinPath(import_coc2.Uri.file(extension.extensionPath), uri).toString(); } fileMatch = => { if (fm[0] === "%") { fm = fm.replace(/%APP_SETTINGS_HOME%/, "/User"); fm = fm.replace(/%MACHINE_SETTINGS_HOME%/, "/Machine"); fm = fm.replace(/%APP_WORKSPACES_HOME%/, "/Workspaces"); } else if (!fm.match(/^(\w+:\/\/|\/|!)/)) { fm = "/" + fm; } return fm; }); associations.push({fileMatch, uri}); } }); } } }); return associations; } //#