*asciidoctor.txt* Vim :heart: Asciidoctor Author: Maxim Kim <https://habamax.github.io> URL: https://github.com/habamax/vim-asciidoctor License: MIT INTRODUCTION *asciidoctor* Vim has syntax highlighting for asciidoc out of the box. And it is/was really slow for me, probably because it tries to be very smart about syntax. This plugin: - has different syntax highlighting; - is way faster (your vim lags less :) ); - has folding; - has commands to compile documents (html, pdf, docx). SETTINGS *asciidoctor-settings* It should work out of the box (at least it was the intention). But sometimes one needs settings to set. *g:asciidoctor_executable* What to use for HTML. Default: asciidoctor Example: > let g:asciidoctor_executable = '~/projects/asciidoctor/bin/asciidoctor' *g:asciidoctor_extensions* What extensions to use with HTML. Default: [] Example: > let g:asciidoctor_extensions = ['asciidoctor-diagram', 'asciidoctor-rouge'] *g:asciidoctor_css_path* Path to custom CSS to use with HTML. Default: '' Example: > let g:asciidoctor_css_path = '~/docs/ascidoctor-themes/' *g:asciidoctor_css* Custom CSS file name to use with HTML. Default: '' Example: > let g:asciidoctor_css = 'mytheme.css' *g:asciidoctor_pdf_executable* What to use for PDF. Default: asciidoctor-pdf Example: > let g:asciidoctor_pdf_executable = '~/asciidoctor-pdf/bin/asciidoctor-pdf' *g:asciidoctor_use_fullpath* Use full path when pass a file for a compilation. Default: v:true Example: > let g:asciidoctor_use_fullpath = v:false Might be useful if for some reason file passed for a compilation should not have full path. For example asciidoctor-pdf in docker might use the following setup to be able to create PDFs: > let g:asciidoctor_pdf_executable = 'docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/documents/ asciidoctor/docker-asciidoctor asciidoctor-pdf' Note that you might need to have proper current working directory. Available for |:Asciidoctor2HTML| and |:Asciidoctor2PDF| commands only. *g:asciidoctor_pdf_extensions* What extensions to use with PDF. Default: [] Example: > let g:asciidoctor_pdf_extensions = ['asciidoctor-diagram'] *g:asciidoctor_pdf_themes_path* Path to custom themes. Default: '' Example: > let g:asciidoctor_pdf_themes_path = '~/docs/ascidoctor-themes/' *g:asciidoctor_pdf_fonts_path* Path to fonts used in themes. Default: '' Example: > let g:asciidoctor_pdf_fonts_path = '~/docs/fonts/' *g:asciidoctor_pandoc_executable* What to use for DOCX. The process is to convert ADOC to DOCBOOK with |g:asciidoctor_executable| and then DOCBOOK to DOCX with pandoc. Default: 'pandoc' Example: > let g:asciidoctor_pandoc_executable = '~/bin/pandoc' *g:asciidoctor_pandoc_data_dir* Set --data-dir for pandoc. Default: '' Example: > let g:asciidoctor_pandoc_data_dir = '~/docs/.pandoc' *g:asciidoctor_pandoc_reference_doc* Set --reference-doc for pandoc. What docx file to use as a reference document (use styles defined there) Default: '' Example: > let g:asciidoctor_pandoc_referenc_doc = 'custom-reference.docx' *g:asciidoctor_pandoc_other_params* Set additional parameteres for pandoc. Default: '' Example: > let g:asciidoctor_pandoc_other_params = '--toc' *g:asciidoctor_folding* Fold sections (headers). Default: 0 Example: > let g:asciidoctor_folding = 1 if enabled all sections would be foldable. Title has the same fold level as sections level 1, higher level sections would have higher fold level (folded under section level-1): > = Title == Section 1 === Section 2 === Section 2 == Section 1 When folded: > = Title ----------------------------------- == Section 1 ------------------------------ == Section 1 ------------------------------ *g:asciidoctor_foldnested* Fold nested sections. Default: 1 Example: > let g:asciidoctor_foldnested = 0 if disabled all sections would have the same foldlevel (=1) no matter what section level is. Then > = Title hello world == Section 1 hello world === Section 2 hello world === Section 2 hello world == Section 1 hello world Would be folded to: > = Title ----------------------------------- == Section 1 ------------------------------ === Section 2 ----------------------------- === Section 2 ----------------------------- == Section 1 ------------------------------ *g:asciidoctor_foldtitle_as_h1* Fold title as level 1 sections. Default: 1 Example: > let g:asciidoctor_foldtitle_as_h1 = 0 When on, following > = Title hello world == Section 1 hello world === Section 2 hello world would be folded to: > = Title ----------------------------------- == Section 1 ------------------------------ Otherwise to > = Title ----------------------------------- *g:asciidoctor_syntax_indented* Enable highlight for indented blocks. Default: 1 Example: > let g:asciidoctor_syntax_indented = 0 *g:asciidoctor_syntax_conceal* Enable concealable syntax. Currently only bold, italic, bolditaclic, code and links are concealed. Default: 0 Example: > let g:asciidoctor_syntax_conceal = 1 NOTE: It doesn't automatically set conceallevel. *g:asciidoctor_fold_options* Fold options (usually under the title). Default: 0 Example: > let g:asciidoctor_fold_options = 1 if enabled asciidoctor options would be foldable: > = Title :author: Maxim Kim :experimental: :toc: left :toclevels: 3 :icons: font :autofit-option: :source-highlighter: rouge :rouge-style: github :source-linenums-option: :revdate: 2018-11-19 :imagesdir: images When folded: > = Title :author: Maxim Kim ------------------------ *g:asciidoctor_fenced_languages* Highlight syntax of source blocks Default: [] Example: > let g:asciidoctor_fenced_languages = ['python', 'c', 'javascript'] Then in your asciidoctor document: > [source,python] ---- def hello(): print("hello world") ---- should be highlighted with python syntax. *g:asciidoctor_img_paste_command* Command to save clipboard image to a file. Default: 'gm convert clipboard: %s%s' Where first %s is a path, second %s is an image file name. Example: > " for OSX let g:asciidoctor_img_paste_command = 'pngpaste %s%s' " for linux let g:asciidoctor_img_paste_command = 'xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png -o > %s%s' *g:asciidoctor_img_paste_pattern* Pattern of the saved clipboard image file. Default: 'img_%s_%s.png' Where first %s is a document base name, second %s is an image number. Example: > let g:asciidoctor_img_paste_pattern = '%s_img_%s.png' So if you edit 'README.adoc` document and paste a clipboard image there it would have name 'README_img_1.png'. Next one would have name 'README_img_2.png' etc. *g:asciidoctor_opener* Shell command to open asciidoctor files. Used in |:AsciidoctorOpenRAW|, |:AsciidoctorOpenPDF|, |:AsciidoctorOpenHTML| and |:AsciidoctorOpenDOCX| commands. Default Windows: ':!start' Default Linux: ':!xdg-open' Default OSX: ':!open' Example: > let g:asciidoctor_opener = ':!firefox' COMMANDS *asciidoctor-commands* These commands are local to the asciidoctor buffers. *:Asciidoctor2HTML* :Asciidoctor2HTML Convert current file to HTML. Uses |g:asciidoctor_executable|. *:Asciidoctor2PDF* :Asciidoctor2PDF Convert current file to PDF. Uses |g:asciidoctor_pdf_executable|. *:Asciidoctor2DOCX* :Asciidoctor2DOCX Convert current file to DOCX. Uses combination of |g:asciidoctor_executable| to generate docbook file and |g:asciidoctor_pandoc_executable| to generate result DOCX file. *:AsciidoctorOpenRAW* :AsciidoctorOpenRAW Open current file in Web browser. Chrome and Firefox have extension to render barebone .adoc files. Uses |g:asciidoctor_opener|. *:AsciidoctorOpenHTML* :AsciidoctorOpenHTML Open HTML file of the current file. It should exist (created first with |:Asciidoctor2HTML| command). Uses |g:asciidoctor_opener|. *:AsciidoctorOpenPDF* :AsciidoctorOpenPDF Open PDF file of the current file. It should exist (created first with |:Asciidoctor2PDF| command). Uses |g:asciidoctor_opener|. *:AsciidoctorOpenDOCX* :AsciidoctorOpenDOCX Open DOCX file of the current file. It should exist (created first with |:Asciidoctor2DOCX| command). Uses |g:asciidoctor_opener|. *:AsciidoctorPasteImage* :AsciidoctorPasteImage "Paste" image from clipboard into buffer. 1. Image file name is generated according to |g:asciidoctor_img_paste_pattern|. 2. Clipboard image is saved in :imagesdir: directory (asciidoctor option defined in a document) or in the directory of the buffer. 3. Image file name is inserted into the buffer. 4. External dependency should be set up, see |g:asciidoctor_img_paste_command|. MAPPINGS *asciidoctor-mappings* *<Plug>(AsciidoctorFold)* Fold sections in a special way. If * no count is provided, toggle current fold; * count is n, open folds up to foldlevel n. *<Plug>(AsciidoctorPromoteSection)* Promote section including subsections. This > = Title [cursor] == Section 1 === Section 2 == Section 3 Would become > == Title [cursor] === Section 1 ==== Section 2 === Section 3 *<Plug>(AsciidoctorDemoteSection)* Demote section including subsections. This > == Title [cursor] === Section 1 ==== Section 2 === Section 3 Would become > = Title [cursor] == Section 1 === Section 2 == Section 3 DEFAULT MAPPINGS There are no default mappings. You can setup yours with: > " Function to create buffer local mappings fun! AsciidoctorMappings() nnoremap <buffer> <leader>oo :AsciidoctorOpenRAW<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <leader>op :AsciidoctorOpenPDF<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <leader>oh :AsciidoctorOpenHTML<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <leader>ox :AsciidoctorOpenDOCX<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <leader>ch :Asciidoctor2HTML<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <leader>cp :Asciidoctor2PDF<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <leader>cx :Asciidoctor2DOCX<CR> nmap <buffer> <space><tab> <Plug>(AsciidoctorFold) endfun " Call AsciidoctorMappings for all `*.adoc` and `*.asciidoc` files augroup asciidoctor au! au BufEnter *.adoc,*.asciidoc call AsciidoctorMappings() augroup END BIBLIOGRAPHY COMPLETION *asciidoctor-completion* There is initial support for bibtex citation added. Usage: Place your bibtex files next to your asciidoctor file (to the same path). Then completion would be available for: > cite:[cit<C-X><C-U> citenp:[cit<C-X><C-U> vim:tw=78:et:ft=help:norl: