#   1 - Inactive Windows
#   2 - Active Window
#   3 - Inactive Windows Borders
#   4 - Active Windows Borders
Colorset 1 fg #c0c0c0, bg #404040
Colorset 2 fg #202020, bg #c0c0c0
Colorset 3 fg #c0c0c0, bg #404040
Colorset 4 fg #202020, bg #c0c0c0

Style "*" IconBox +0 +0 -0 -0, IconFill left bottom
Style "*" IconSize 64 64
Style "*" Icon xorg.xpm
Style "*" IconBackgroundColorset 1
Style "*" ClickToFocus
Style "*" ResizeHintOverride
Style "xconsole" NoIcon
Style "FvwmPager" NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "FvwmPager" CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip
Style "FvwmPager" StaysOnTop
*FvwmPagerFont "xft:Sans:size=8"
*FvwmPagerGeometry 180x30-0-0
*FvwmPagerSmallFont 5x8
*FvwmPagerBack #101010
*FvwmPagerFore #404040

# Set some default fonts:
DefaultFont    "xft:Sans:size=10"
Style Font     "xft:Sans:size=10"
Style IconFont "xft:Sans:size=10"
WindowFont     "xft:Sans:size=10"

EdgeResistance 250 10
EdgeScroll 0 0
ClickTime 750

DeskTopSize 1x1

# Window Button Locations [1 Title 42]
Mouse 1 4 A Iconify
Mouse 1 2 A Maximize
Mouse 1 1 A Menu Window-Ops Close

#   for the root window:
Mouse 1 R       A       Menu RootMenu Nop
Mouse 2 R       A       Menu Window-Ops Nop
Mouse 3 R       A       WindowList

#   for other parts of the window/borders/icons:
Mouse 1 I       A       Move-or-Iconify
Mouse 2 TSIF    A       RaiseLower
Mouse 3 FSTI    A       Menu Window-Ops Nop

AddToDecor CDEDecor
+ TitleStyle    AllInactive -- Raised
+ TitleStyle    AllActive -- Raised
+ ButtonStyle   All Simple -- UseTitleStyle
+ BorderStyle   Simple
+ TitleStyle    Centered -- Raised
+ ButtonStyle   All -- Raised

+ AddButtonStyle 1 Vector 3 23x58@0 77x58@0 77x42@0
+ AddButtonStyle 1 Vector 3 23x58@1 23x42@1 77x42@1

+ AddButtonStyle 2 Vector 3 21x79@0 79x79@0 79x21@0
+ AddButtonStyle 2 Vector 3 21x79@1 21x21@1 79x21@1

+ AddButtonStyle 4 Vector 3 42x58@0 58x58@0 58x42@0
+ AddButtonStyle 4 Vector 3 42x58@1 42x42@1 58x42@1

+ TitleStyle Height MinHeight 20

Style * Colorset 1, HilightColorset 2, \
        BorderColorset 3, HilightBorderColorset 4, \
        BorderWidth 5, HandleWidth 5, \
        MWMBorder, DepressableBorder, \
        MWMButtons, UseDecor CDEDecor

Silent Key Return A 4 Exec exec xterm
Silent Key L A 4 Exec exec xlock -mode blank -dpmsoff 5
Silent Key 1 A 4 Exec exec xrandr --output eDP-1 --auto --output DP-1 --off --output HDMI-1 --off
Silent Key 2 A 4 Exec exec xrandr --output eDP-1 --off --output DP-1 --auto --output HDMI-1 --off
Silent Key 3 A 4 Exec exec xrandr --output eDP-1 --off --output DP-1 --off --output HDMI-1 --auto

AddToMenu RootMenu      "Root Menu"                 Title
+                       "Terminal"                  Exec exec xterm
+                       ""                          Nop
+                       "Applications"              Popup Applications
+                       "Utilities"                 Popup Utilities
+                       ""                          Nop
+                       "Refresh Screen"            Refresh
+                       "Recapture Screen"          Recapture
+                       ""                          Nop
+                       "Lock"                      Exec exec xlock -mode blank -dpmsoff 5
+                       "(Re)Start"                 Popup Quit-Verify
+                       "Exit"                      Module FvwmForm QuitVerify

AddToMenu Applications  "Applications"              Title
+                       "Firefox"                   Exec exec firefox
+                       "KeePassXC"                 Exec exec keepassxc
+                       "Midnight Commander"        Exec exec xterm -geometry 120x40 -e mc
+                       "VNC Viewer"                Exec exec vncviewer
+                       "Vi"                        Exec exec xterm -e vi

AddToMenu Utilities     "Utilities"             Title
+                       "Top"                   Exec exec xterm -T Top -n Top -e top
+                       "Calculator"            Exec exec xcalc
+                       "Clock (analog)"        Exec exec xclock -update 1
+                       "Clock (digital)"       Exec exec xclock -update 1 -digital -strftime '%a %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z' -bg '#101010' -fg '#c0c0c0'
+                       "Xman"                  Exec exec xman
+                       "Xmag"                  Exec exec xmag
+                       "Editres"               Exec exec editres
+                       ""                      Nop
+                       "Compositor (xcompmgr)" Exec exec xcompmgr -c
+                       ""                      Nop
+                       "Reset X defaults"      Exec exec xrdb -load $HOME/.Xresources

AddToMenu Window-Ops    "Window Ops"     Title
+                       "Move"           Move
+                       "Resize"         Resize
+                       "Raise"          Raise
+                       "Lower"          Lower
+                       "(De)Iconify"    Iconify
+                       "(Un)Stick"      Stick
+                       "(Un)Maximize"   Maximize
+                       ""               Nop
+                       "Send To"        Popup Send-To
+                       ""               Nop
+                       "Delete"         Delete
+                       "Close"          Close
+                       "Destroy"        Destroy
+                       ""               Nop
+                       "Refresh Window" RefreshWindow

AddToMenu Quit-Verify   "Restart WM"                        Title
+                       "Restart Fvwm"                      Restart fvwm
+                       ""                                  Nop
+                       "Start cwm"                         Restart cwm
+                       "Start ctwm"                        Restart ctwm
+                       "Start twm"                         Restart twm
+                       "Start emwm"                        Restart emwm
+                       "Start mwm"                         Restart mwm
+                       "Start jwm"                         Restart jwm
+                       "Start icewm"                       Restart icewm-session
+                       ""                                  Nop
+                       "Start xterm"                       Restart xterm

AddToMenu Send-To       "Desk &0"       MoveToDesk 0 0
+                       "Desk &1"       MoveToDesk 0 1
+                       "Desk &2"       MoveToDesk 0 2
+                       "Desk &3"       MoveToDesk 0 3
+                       "Desk &4"       MoveToDesk 0 4
+                       "Desk &5"       MoveToDesk 0 5

AddToFunc Move-or-Iconify       "I" Raise
+                               "M" Move
+                               "D" Iconify

AddToFunc StartFunction     "I" Module FvwmPager 0 5
+                           "I" Exec exec xrdb -load ~/.Xresources
+                           "I" Exec exec xsetroot -solid '#101010'

# FvwmForm alias - query exit à la mwm
*QuitVerifyFont         "xft:Sans:size=10"
*QuitVerifyButtonFont   "xft:Sans:size=10"
# begin items
*QuitVerifyLine         center
*QuitVerifyText         "Do you really want to exit FVWM?"
*QuitVerifyLine         expand
*QuitVerifyButton       quit    " Exit "
*QuitVerifyCommand      Quit
*QuitVerifyButton       quit    "Cancel"
*QuitVerifyCommand      Nop